Lab News from 2022

Last week, Jessica (Jess) Sutter successfully defended her thesis titled “Phylogeny, pangenomics, and predicted functional diversity of maize rhizosphere Pseudomonas”. The work of Jess investigates a phenomenon observed in a study of the maize rhizosphere microbiome in a field study...

Our new pre-print is up on bioRxiv! Led by Nicholas Youngblut, this work presents ResMiCo, a powerful tool for optimising metagenome assemblies. Metagenome assembly is increasing in popularity due to decreasing Illumina sequencing costs and easier library preparation methods. Unfortunately,...

Yesterday, Jacobo successfully defended his thesis titled “Insights into the human gut microbiome and its link with obesity and cardiometabolic diseases”. During the last 4.5 years in the Ley Lab he has developed new methods and computational approaches to study...

Congratulations to Lara Berg for successfully completing her Masters degree in the Ley Lab! For her thesis, Lara charaterised strain-level metabolic and syntrophic variations in the dominant human gut methanogen, Methanobrevibacter smithii. Using M. smithii samples obtained from stool samples...

Congratulations are in order for Paul OG Jorzik, who has successfully completed his Master’s degree. Paul completed his thesis in the Ley Lab where he worked on the development of novel genetic systems for non-model human gut-associated bacteria. Congratulations Paul!


New article on microbiome engineering published in Cell ( in which our project leader and microbiome engineering expert James Marsh and Ruth E. Ley address the recent Cell issue by Jin et al. ( and discuss innovative tools for editing...

Congratulations to postdoctoral researcher Kelsey Huus who was awarded an EMBO fellowship to run the µHEAT study (‘Microbial-Human Ecology and Temperature’), which aims to understand interactions between the gut microbiome and the human immune system in the context of vaccination....

In our new preprint (Ruaud et al., 2022), we introduce endoR: an R-package to interpret machine learning models. We also present the application of endoR to human gut metagenomes to identify associations between H2 producers and methanogens in the human...