Lab News Archive

Screenshot 2024-09-26 at 09.20.19

We were happy to see Hagay Enav’s Nature Biotechnology paper introducing the use of microsynteny for strain comparisons with the development of the tool SynTracker featured in Cell Reports Methods. Peiwan Cai and Tal Koren from the Columbia University Irving...

Screenshot 2024-08-29 at 12.38.43

Our very own James Marsh was quoted in the Washington Post this week in an article about engineering the gut microbiome to reduce methane emissions from cows: “James Marsh, a professor of microbiome engineering at the Max Planck Institute for...


We are happy to celebrate the graduation of our PhD student (now postdoc) Michael Bell! Michael did fantastic job defending his thesis titled ‘Investigating the Structure-Function Relationships Between Flagellins and Toll-Like Receptor 5′. All of us in the Ley Lab...

Double yellow lines painted over a manhole cover to humorous effect.

We are happy to announce that Hagay Enav’s powerful new tool SynTracker is now explained in a Nature Biotechnology publication. You can access the open access paper here. A “Research Briefing” explaining how the paper was conceived is here. To...


Professor Ruth Ley was awarded the 2023 Charles Donovan Microbiome Prize and delivered the Distinguished International APC Lecture at the 2023 APC Annual Symposium on Friday 27th October. The title of her talk was “A shared evolutionary history for humans...


We are members of the “Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections” (CMFI) Cluster of Excellence at the University of Tübingen. We had a dominant showing at this year’s annual CMFI conference with 12 posters and 2 talks: Ruth gave project-overviews and...

Screenshot 2024-09-26 at 09.20.19

We were happy to see Hagay Enav’s Nature Biotechnology paper introducing the use of microsynteny for strain comparisons with the development of the tool SynTracker featured in Cell Reports Methods. Peiwan Cai and Tal Koren from the Columbia University Irving...

Screenshot 2024-08-29 at 12.38.43

Our very own James Marsh was quoted in the Washington Post this week in an article about engineering the gut microbiome to reduce methane emissions from cows: “James Marsh, a professor of microbiome engineering at the Max Planck Institute for...


We are happy to celebrate the graduation of our PhD student (now postdoc) Michael Bell! Michael did fantastic job defending his thesis titled ‘Investigating the Structure-Function Relationships Between Flagellins and Toll-Like Receptor 5′. All of us in the Ley Lab...

Double yellow lines painted over a manhole cover to humorous effect.

We are happy to announce that Hagay Enav’s powerful new tool SynTracker is now explained in a Nature Biotechnology publication. You can access the open access paper here. A “Research Briefing” explaining how the paper was conceived is here. To...


Professor Ruth Ley was awarded the 2023 Charles Donovan Microbiome Prize and delivered the Distinguished International APC Lecture at the 2023 APC Annual Symposium on Friday 27th October. The title of her talk was “A shared evolutionary history for humans...


We are members of the “Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections” (CMFI) Cluster of Excellence at the University of Tübingen. We had a dominant showing at this year’s annual CMFI conference with 12 posters and 2 talks: Ruth gave project-overviews and...